Title: Satellite Derived Bathymetry: Measuring depths from the sky
Presenter: Dr Ankita Mista (University of Malta, Malta)
Date: 09 April 2021 - 13:00 (GMT)
En savoir plus
Dr. Ankita Misra, is currently working as a research support officer at the University of Malta on the WaterColours Project in collaboration with the Italian National Research Council (CNR-ISMAR). In her current profile, she works on deriving Chlorophyll-a (CHL) and Total Suspended Matter (TSM) climatologies for the Malta waters as well as uses machine learning (ML) techniques on Sentinel 3 MSI data to get high resolution water quality products. The data generated in this project will be made available through an online portal with an aim to enable stakeholders such as fishermen etc, scientists as well as the local environmental agency to make informed decisions regarding the utilization and management of the marine resources. Dr. Misra has completed her PhD at the Indian Institute of Technology (Bombay, India) on the topic of satellite derived bathymetry, where she used optical and microwave remote sensing data to derive depths. Dr. Misra has been working on various projects related to satellite oceanography and coastal zone management for last 10 years. She is a past POGO-AMT (2013) and POGO-SCOR (2017) scholar during which she worked at the Plymouth Marine Lab, UK and Ifremer, France respectively.
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