L’agence spatiale européenne (ASE) a publié un appel d’offres de participation (AOP) qui pourrait intéresser les abonnées de cette liste communautaire. Un sommaire de l’AOP est présentée ci-dessous.
Les institutions canadiennes sont autorisées à participer à l’AOP. Veuillez noter que les établissements doivent s’inscrire au système « ESA-Star Publication » de l’ASE avant de soumettre une offre. La date de clôture est le 15 juillet 2022.
Lien à l’AOP: https://esastar-publication-ext.sso.esa.int/ESATenderActions/details/42846
Journée des soumissionnaires (le 9 juin 2022) lien: https://bit.ly/3wwBAof (ou courriel: MSD.Meetings@esa.int)
This study provides a unique opportunity for the wider international Earth Observation (EO) scientific community to participate and express their views and ideas in the elaboration of a new ESA EO Science Strategy. The new Strategy is expected to guide the selection and development of new future EO research satellites, and the scientific content and technology goals of EO Programmes starting in 2024.
The core objective of the study is to research and document priority scientific needs and objectives, and their role in addressing important gaps in our knowledge of the Earth system. The selected study team will be asked to propose new or updated domain cross-cutting Earth science questions as candidates to replace the Living Planet Challenges in the 2024 – 2030 ESA EO strategy. Two additional supporting study goals include
· To perform a traceability exercise to identify geophysical information gaps associated with the candidate EO Science Questions e.g. to be addressed either through the development and launch of new and innovative EO missions or through focused EO science research and development;
· To demonstrate and document through a traceability exercise how addressing the candidate EO Science Question within ESA EO programmes is linked to societal benefits and contributes to international policies and agendas.
ESA intends to fund up to 3 parallel consortium bids for 15 months and would welcome a strong engagement from the science community in all Member States. We therefore ask you to circulate information about the study and encourage your national science community to participate.
Please note an online Bidder’s Day meeting is planned on June 9th 2022 from 14:00 to 15:30 to provide more information about the study and answer questions from potential bidders.