Catalyseur Quebecois en observation de la Terre

Quebec's Earth observation hub

EXTERNE : "Point-surface Fusion and Retrieval of Surface Soil Moisture Using Machine Learning"

  • 2021-03-29
  • 13:00
  • En ligne (Voir description)

"The CRSS-SCT Waterloo Region Chapter" Webinar

Point-surface Fusion and Retrieval of Surface Soil Moisture Using Machine Learning

Hongzhang Xu, PhD Student, University of Waterloo, Canada
Monday, March 29, 2021
1:00 PM |  (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Soil moisture is an integral part of the Earth's hydrological and biological cycle. A variety of techniques are available for long-term soil moisture monitoring, such as ground measurement and microwave satellite remote sensing for point- and large-scale soil moisture monitoring, respectively. To improve the accuracy of current Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite soil moisture products, this presentation will introduce "point-surface fusion and retrieval methods" to directly integrate in-situ measurements and satellite observations using machine learning techniques.
Join us for our free webinar on March 29!
Meeting number: 160 836 1038
Password: 29U3mPYZrmp

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